Saturday, September 29, 2007


Hello all,
We're showing NFL, Monday Night Football on Tuesday evenings. Sounds strange..but it's true! Kick-off starts around 8pm. We'll also be showing a lot of NHL games. We've got the NHL Center Ice package that has over 1000 games...grab a beer and start cheering! GO _____ !! (enter your team name here) Keep checking here for the schedule.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

We're BACK !!

Hello there!
For those who don't know..the owners are back and they are happy to see the bar is still standing. Come on in for a drink and maybe you'll catch some sports on the big screen.
Hockey fans!!? The season is just about to start! We're excited..are you!?
Come on in..... It's beer O'clock!!
Trevor and MiYoung